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Daniel Edward Moore (3 poems)

Wisteria’s Throne

Who cares, really,

                    if tomorrow’s prepared

for earth’s brash articulation

                     of leaves into theories.


Laura’s chosen to

                     sift & sew memory’s

most precious seeds,

                          clearing a space for


Wisteria’s throne,

                   where the future unfurls

it long purple robe with

                   a hem of light and water.


I am the gardener,

                           sentinel of the sky,

defender of

                                all that remains.

Last Adolescent Wedding Anniversary

At 17, here we are,

citizens from the reckless years

when morning found

the light half dead,

darkness weeping

in both our mouths,

like the anchor fighting the sea.


Remember the words,

land on me, as if being a bird

was safe, remember

watching passion rise,

like a monster’s head

by the anchor’s chain,

wearing a crown

of barnacles bright,

the best the sea could do?


That’s what the next 20 years are for

said the shore to me.

Future Thrower

I write fire.

Ash uses me

to prove how cold

the world once was

before rock & wood

grew bored with ice

& I was struck

in a brutal way

by a lesser form

of uncivilized faith

content with blood

on cold cave walls

rehearsing our

quick disappearance.

Difference of

opinion or not.

Does it all boil

down to a season

of thaw no calendar

had on the wall?

If children survive

to hate the ghosts

we will soon become,

will fairy tales

without parents

in flames ever be

heard before bed?

Difference of

opinion or not.

Silence threw gas

on tiny dreams

already black as coal.

Daniel Edward Moore lives in Washington on Whidbey Island with the poet, Laura Coe Moore.

His poems are forthcoming in Weber Review, Levee Magazine,
Cultural Weekly, Tule Review, Pangolin Review, South Florida Poetry Journal, Poetry South and Nixes Mate Review.

His chapbook "Boys," is forthcoming from Duck Lake Books in December 2019.

His first book, "Waxing the Dents," was a finalist for the Brick Road Poetry Book
Prize and will be released in February 2020.

His work has been nominated for Pushcart Prizes and Best of the Net.
Visit him at

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