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Barry Peters

Dreaming of the Bandstand

The lights. The audience.

Black mirror of piano lid.


The drummer’s little spears.

Upright coffin of bass.


The inability to read music

or properly hold the saxophone.


These are great fears. Teeth-

falling-out, naked-at-the-gate fears


but my greatest is the absence

of sound, the not-knowing


how to lip the mouthpiece,

how to breathe through the reed,


how to articulate even a squawk.

Maybe it’s possible to fake it,


to stand beside the other tenors

with my silent vehicle and pretend.


Maybe not.

Barry Peters is a writer and teacher in Durham, NC. Recent/forthcoming publications: Baltimore Review, Broad River Review, Connecticut River Review, The Flexible Persona, The Healing Muse, Jelly Bucket, Kakalak, KYSO Flash, Miramar, Plainsongs, Rattle, The Southampton Review, Sport Literate.

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